News Categories

Report on the Balmorel training course

in News, Publications

Baltic Development Forum had the pleasure of inviting energy experts from the Baltic Sea Region to a one week introductory course on “Energy Scenario Analyses with the Balmorel model”. The course was organised in cooperation with the consultancy company Ea Energy Analyses, and took place in Copenhagen, Denmark from 25th until 29th January 2010. Course Summary www. курсы английского киев…

Igor Yurgens published a new report on development of Russian economy

in News

Igor Yurens, Advisory Board of Baltic Development Forum and Chair of the Board of the Institute of Contemporary Development published a new report on development of Russian economy on Wednesday, 3rd of February. The report, entitled “21st Century Russia: The Image of the Tomorrow We Want”, focuses Russia`s government and economy, citing the countries dependence on raw material export and…

Sustainable energy report is published

in News, Publications

Energy Perspectives for the Kaliningrad Region as an Integrated Part of the Baltic Sea Region. [quote] Russia is a crucial energy supplier for the EU countries in the region. As Russia is the world’s largest energy exporter, the EU countries are dependent on Russia as a reliable energy supplier, not least when it comes to natural gas. Hence, Russia is…

BaltMet Promo promotes the entire Baltic Sea Region in global markets

in News

For the first time the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) metropolises will join forces in promoting the entire region in global markets through three concrete pilots. The chosen fields for pilot cases are tourism, talent and direct foreign investments. The projects’ aim is to improve the international competitiveness of the Baltic Sea Region and to strengthen the common identity of BSR…

The BCCA Policy Forecast Report

in News, Publications

The Baltic Sea Chambers of Commerce Association presented results of a survey of the participants of the Baltic Development Forum Summit 2009. According to the BCCA “Policy for Growth” report, policy forecast survey is an attempt to profit from the distributed expertise gathered among the participants at the BDF Summit 2009. The BCCA asked Summit participants to grade the importance…

State of the Region Report 2009

in News, Publications

The 2009 edition of Baltic Development Forum’s The State of the Region Report provides essential reading for decision makers in the Baltic Sea Region. Baltic Development Forum’s 2009 State of the Region Report Boosting the Top of Europe offers an up-to-date assessment of competitiveness and regional collaboration across the Region. The economic realities in the Region are this year overshadowed…

Conclusions Almedalen

in BDF Events, Debate, News

Outlining Basic Principles for the EU Baltic Sea Region Strategy During the two-day seminar on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, arranged by Sida’s Baltic Sea Unit and Baltic Development Forum at the Almedalen “Political Week” in Gotland, Sweden, some 56 speakers and more than 400 participants debated the goals and practicalities of the European Strategy for the…


in News

The Baltic Sea Region as a Model for EU’s Future Economic Growth “A closer integrated Baltic Sea Region has since long been a goal for my generation, and now it is time to take it a step further”, said Dr Cecilia Malmström, Swedish Minister for European Affairs at the opening seminar on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region,…

Report Warsaw Conference on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region

in BDF Events, News, Publications

The conference on “The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Building Partnership for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Competitiveness” held on 3 June 2009 in Radisson SAS Hotel in Warsaw was organised jointly by demosEUROPA – Centre for European Strategy, Swedish Embassy in Warsaw, the Office of the Committee for European Integration, the Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce and the Baltic Development…

Baltic Sea Region in Europe – CBSS Seminar in Stockholm

in Debate, News

The Latvian Presidency in the CBSS, Council of Baltic Sea States, arranged a seminar on the topic The Baltic Sea Region in Europe. The BDF Director Hans Brask participated in the panel and presented the BDF views on how to move the Baltic Sea Region integration forward. The seminar, held in Stockholm 17 January, was co-arranged with Site, the Stockholm…