Boosting Top of Europe!
The 11th BDF Summit in Stockholm 5-6 October will focus on how to stay competitive on Top of Europe in light of multiple and often interlinked challenges. It is arranged in association with the Swedish EU Presidency during the second semester of 2009.
The 11th BDF Summit 2009 will take place on 5-6 October in Stockholm – and will be arranged in cooperation with the Swedish EU-Presidency. We expect a major event during the Swedish EU Presidency with many high-level speakers; representing politics, business and academia.
Below you can download the prospectus of the Summit. The Summit will focus on how to stay competitive on the Top of Europe in light of multiple and often interlinked challenges. The financial and economic, the climate and energy, the water resource and security perspectives will be highlighted. Can further regional and European integration be one of the solutions? We need to grasp the opportunity that the upcoming EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region will bring. As the best developed common platform for all stakeholders, we hope to manifest political support for this EU-Strategy at the Stockholm Summit.
Last year in Copenhagen and Malmo, BDF for the first time organised an exhibition and networking village as part of the Summit. According to a survey conducted among the 600 registered participants at the 2008-Summit, the networking village was highly valued, and it will be further developed this year allowing for more cross-country, cross-sector and cross-level encounters, discussions and debates. In particular, it will also allow the business sector to become more involved in the Region’s activities.
Registration for the Summit opens 20 April on the BDF homepage.
To read/download Summit’09 Prospectus, follow this link.