On 5th November 2013, Baltic Development Forum will host the fourth meeting of the Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs) of the Baltic Sea Region.
In a unique EU supported initiative, the Investment Promotion Agencies of the region meet regularly to identify possible areas for regional cooperation. During the upcoming meeting the objective is to discuss Cleantech and Sustainability as a prioritised sector for investment promotion as well as identify the possibilities of Growth Capital investments within the sector and the opportunities in a wider perspective. Baltic Development Forum warmly invites you to join this exciting meeting!
In cooperation with Baltic Development Forum, Oxford Research will create a report on Cleantech investments in the Baltic Sea Region which will serve as a solid ground for discussions during the meeting. The report maps and analyses the number and nature of Cleantech investments in the region as well as aims to identify possibilities for further cooperation.
To initiate the exchange of best practise and share success stories, three major stakeholder companies within the sector will provide information about their work within Cleantech, sustainability and green Technologies. Representatives of Copenhagen Capacity, Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster and State of Green will be present and contribute to discussions with thematic presentations.
To facilitate participant’s interaction, two workshop timeslots are included in the programme to challenge the present IPAs on identifing possibilities for further cooperation. Please have a look at the programme.
The BSR IPAs initiative is part of the ONE BSR project and its aim is to enable the IPAs to meet regularly to exchange best practice and information on how the investment promotion work is organised and pursued, as well as to find areas where the IPAs should join efforts thereby increasing the success in attracting investments to the region.
After three preceding IPA meetings in Stockholm, Hamburg and Riga, the fourth meeting will take place in Copenhagen.
For further information and your registration, please contact Katarzyna Dygul, Project Manager, kdy@bdforum.org.
Follow the meeting on twitter via #IPACPH