”The Baltic Sea Region has lost export market shares but solid foreign direct investment suggests that this is a reflection of firms choosing to internationalise differently, not the result of lost competitiveness.”
Christian Ketels, Principal Associate Harvard Business School and Author of the State of the Region Series, in part one of the report tells where we stand in term of the economic situation – part two tries to look on the cooperation in the region: how are we leveraging the many projects, networks and institutions we have built up across the Baltic Sea region – and thirdly the report takes up the important subjects of transportation infrastructure and green growth.
Read the report here.
The 2012 Political State of the Region Report – Dilemmas and Coherence in the Baltic Sea Region -focuses on Russian Baltic Sea region policies, the development of the Russian Baltic Sea exclave Kaliningrad, and two countries outside the core region that were not covered in the first report Norway and Iceland – and their relationship to the BSR and BSR policies.
Right-wing populism is a wide-spread phenomenon in all the countries of the BSR. Therefore, the report deals with current developments in this regard, especially postUtoya/Oslo, with a particular emphasis on the Nordic countries.
Read the Political State of the Region here.
In the report Priorities towards a Digital Single Market in the Baltic Sea Region you get an overview of the obstacles to a digital single market, and a series of policy recommendations to overcome the barriers. The key issues taken up in the report are e-Procurement, Public Sector Information and Open Data, Roaming and Online Intermediaries. The report is made in cooperation with BCCA, the Baltic Sea Chambers of Commerce.
Read the Digital Agenda report here.