With the ambition of setting the agenda for further discussions on how to finance energy efficiency, BDF arranges a seminar on 29th September in Stockholm. The roundtable will be organised together with Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) as leader for Horizontal Action for Climate under the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region.
The aim of the seminar is to provide a platform for a dialogue among business representatives from the clean-tech sector, regional and local governments, cities, state and commercial financial institutions on how to allocate existing funds to make energy efficient investments. The discussion will provide opportunities for knowledge sharing, match-making between “users” and “financiers”, and highlight potential areas of co-operation in the Baltic Sea Region.
The discussion will address concrete challenges in financing energy efficiency, such as: lack of large-scale projects with solid profitability and commercial viability; political and administrative obstacles (like lengthy procurement procedures); lack of knowledge due to costly feasibility studies; insufficient understanding of the financial perspective and other. We will discuss how to overcome the obstacles and get involved into the process of developing a regional approach to energy efficiency.
The seminar is part of BDF’s “Energy Dialogue in the Baltic Sea Region”, an activity series initiated in 2015.
Registration is necessary. For more information, contact Viktoria Nilsson, vn@bdforum.org, +4560218580
10.00 Registration
Coffee upon arrival
10.30 Welcome
BDF Director Flemming Stender and CBSS Director General Ambassador Maira Mora
10.35 Setting the scene
Krista Kampus, Senior Adviser and Head of the Sustainable Development Unit – Baltic 2030, Council of the Baltic Sea States
Dzintars Kaulins, Director of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Economics of Latvia
Hans J. Koch, CEO, Nordic Energy Research
State of play and key-findings of recently launched report “Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2016”
Marit Ragnarsson, County Board of Dalarna
Obstacles to financing energy efficiency projects in buildings sector
11.10 Panel discussion “Perspectives on energy efficiency financing: Main benefits and challenges with existing financing”
Discussion of ongoing initiatives, achievements and needs as regards access to existing funds allocated for energy efficiency investments
Magnus Rystedt, Managing Director, NEFCO
Liisa Raasakka, Senior Loan Officer, European Investment Bank
Patrik Marckert, Senior Manager, Energy and Environment, Nordic Investment Bank
Valdur Lahtvee, Policy Officer, EUSBSR Horizontal Action CLIMATE
Markus Edström, Nordic Head of Siemens Financial Services, Siemens (tbc)
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Pitching ideas. Four 5-minutes’ pitches with the energy efficiency-related initiatives and follow-up discussions
14.15 Panel discussion “ESCO model: pros/cons and cross-border transfer of best practices”
Peter Hallberg, Nordic Head of Building Technologies, Siemens
Morten Mejsen Westergaard, Climate Director, Middelfart municipality
Nicholas Stancioff, RenEsco and Sunshine project
Peter Dahl, CEO, Värmek
15.00 Coffee break
15.30 Regional approach to solving shared concerns and Summing up