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The Baltic Sea Region as a Model for EU’s Future Economic Growth “A closer integrated Baltic Sea Region has since long been a goal for my generation, and now it is time to take it a step further”, said Dr Cecilia Malmström, Swedish Minister for European Affairs at the opening seminar on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region,…

BDF Welcomes New Strategic Partner Gasunie

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The Dutch gas-infrastructure company Gasunie has joint BDF’s network as Strategic Partner. The official signing of the agreement took place in the Netherlands today. Gasunie’s CEO Marcel Kramer is a confirmed speaker at the BDF Summit in Copenhagen-Malmö, where regional energy cooperation and integration will be among the central topics. PRESS RELEASE Groningen, 26 June 2008 Cooperation between Gasunie and…

Report Warsaw Conference on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region

in BDF Events, News, Publications

The conference on “The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Building Partnership for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Competitiveness” held on 3 June 2009 in Radisson SAS Hotel in Warsaw was organised jointly by demosEUROPA – Centre for European Strategy, Swedish Embassy in Warsaw, the Office of the Committee for European Integration, the Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce and the Baltic Development…

Building Partnership for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Competitiveness

in BDF Events, News, Publications

BDF was one of the organizers of a Conference on the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region held in Warsaw on June 3rd titled “Building Partnership for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Competitiveness”. Specially invited speakers were the Polish Ministers Piotr Serafin and Michał Boni, the Speaker of the Swedish Riksdag Mr. Per Westerberg and the CEO of Pekao SA Mr….

Eesti Energia

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New Strategic Partner BDF welcomes its new Strategic Partner, Eesti Energia! Eesti Energia joined the Forum recently and will contribute to the energy project of BDF. CEO Sandor Liive is among the confirmed speakers at the BDF Summit in Copenhagen-Malmö. Eesti Energia Website: Eesti Energia is a state-owned company engaged in the production, sale and transmission of electric and…

Successful Energy Conference in Poland

in BDF Events, News

The summary of the joint conference on Energy & Climate change in Poland is now available. Joint Conference on Energy & Climate Change Over 250 participants were present when BDF together with demosEuropa and the Danish Embassy in Warsaw held its joint conference on Energy & Climate change. Polish Minister of the Environment and EU Commissioner Hübner were among the…

Joint Resolution by Baltic Sea Region Employers Organisations

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The Employers’ Organisations of the Baltic Sea Region adopted a joint resolution at their meeting in Riga 12 May. Read the joint resolution adopted at the meeting of Employers’ Organisations of the Baltic Sea Region “The Role of Employers’ Organisations in Economic Development and Global Competitiveness in the Baltic Sea Region” in Riga, Latvia, 12 May 2008. фалоимитаторы полимерные…

Northern Dimension Forum

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At the First Northern Dimension Forum, held in St. Petersburg 13-14 May, the BDF Director Hans Brask called for greater efforts to enhance the integration in the Baltic Sea Region. “Positive neighborhood effects on competitiveness and economic growth have to be earned. They do not come automatically, director Brask underlined in his message.” “It requires positive involvement and co-operation with…

BDF Joins Forces with Copenhagen Climate Council

in News

BDF and the Copenhagen Climate Council have established a cooperation agreement. The two organisations will work together on energy and climate issues in the coming two years. Towards a Common Goal with Complementary Perspectives One of the founding members of the Copenhagen Climate Council (CCC) is Erik Rasmussen, CEO of House of Monday Morning, a Danish think-tank, which BDF has…

Joint Energy & Climate Platform

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The Joint Energy & Climate Platform of Baltic Sea Organisations has finalised its guiding principles and goals for the ongoing co-operation in a working document. The Joint Energy and Climate Platform of Baltic Sea Region Organisations is a co-operation platform between Baltic Sea States Subregional Co-operation (BSSSC); Baltic Development Forum; Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS); Union of Baltic…