News Categories

Nordic-Baltic Dynamics, 26-27th October in Stockholm

in BDF Events, News, Press, Projects

Baltic Development Forum is one of the partners for the conference “Nordic-Baltic Dynamics” Don´t miss out the biggest innovation promoters conference in the region! Nordic-Baltic Dynamics (NBD) conference keynote speaker Victor Galaz says that every business owner should constantly renew and rethink what they do, to be able to stay in the frontier like Madonna does in the music industry….

Baltic TRAM mid-term conference: Analytical Research for Industry-Novel Options for Enhanced Cooperation

in BDF Events, News, Projects

25-26 October 2017 in Stockholm Baltic TRAM is organizing a conference on a better cooperation between industry and analytical facilities on 25-26 October 2017 in Stockholm. The event will be arranged under the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the Baltic Sea States. The conference will include: Day 1 – Political Support Among the prominent speakers are: Stefan Michalowski, former…

BDF and “Top of Digital Europe” in Berlin

in BDF Events, News, Projects

Think tank “Top of Digital Europe” was extensively promoted in Berlin this Summer. In addition to the digital plenary session at BDF Summit, the State of the Digital Region 2016 report also inspired two seminars on “Inclusive Digitalisation” on 14 June 2017 in Berlin, organized by BDF, Nordic Council of Ministers and Nordregio at the 8th Annual Forum of the…

Connecting digital start-ups

in Debate, News, Projects

“Cities connecting the digital economy in the BSR” is the main theme of the “State of the Digital Region“ report 2016 by ICT think tank Top of Digital Europe. BDF has followed up on the theme by organising discussions with cities, entrepreneurs and policymakers on how cities can help digital start-up communities and ecosystems to connect across borders to boost…

A new Momentum for Nordic-Baltic Cooperation in a turbulent Europe?

Brexit, Trump, the refugee crisis and a changing global economy are challenging Europe. Where does that leave the Baltic Sea Region and what is the potential to tackle these challenges via stronger regional cooperation? Can the small, open economies in the Nordic-Baltic region respond with a common voice to influence the future of Europe? BDF and the Nordic Council of…

BDF Summit Session: New Business Models for Sustainability

in BDF Events, News

The session ”New business models for sustainability” at the 19th BDF Summit shed light on the latest developments in the application of sustainable business models. The debate was kicked-off by Dr. Florian Lüdeke-Freund, Senior Research Associate from University of Hamburg, who provided a definition of the concept of sustainable business model in general and green business models in particular. He…

Discussion Paper: The Future of Europe and Globalization

in Debate, News, Publications

Baltic Development Forum together with the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (Tillväxtverket) have launched a discussion paper titled “The Future of Europe and Globalization: Where is the Voice of the Baltic Sea Region?”. The paper has been developed by Dr. Christian Ketels, Harvard Business School, and Dr. David Skilling, Director of Landfall Strategy Group. The paper aims to…

2017 State of the Political Region Report

in Debate, News, Publications

This year`s Political State of the Region Report shares the perspectives of six young researchers from different countries in the region. The authors seek to analyse the impact that the Brexit and the new administration in Washington has or will have on cooperation-patterns. A conclusion from the report is that the observations and predictions differ substantially throughout the region. Jana…

19th BDF Summit in Berlin, 13 June

in BDF Events, News

This year, the 19th Baltic Development Forum Summit challenges old truths and takes a look at how a changing world creates new perspectives on growth. In what ways can an increased focus on sustainability and social engagement provide profits for business? How can the digital transformation open up new opportunities for small and medium size companies around the region? What…

Open Call for Companies to Access Free Analytical Research

in News, Projects

Baltic TRAM offers companies free access to state-of-the-art analytical research facilities across the Baltic Sea Region, providing technical and scientific expertise to help solve challenges associated with developing new products or services. The project now accepts applications. Companies selected for support will receive scientific advice tailored to their specific business needs. More precisely, they will be provided with free measurements…