On the 21st-23rd of May 2007 the fifth Branding the Baltic Sea Region activity, arranged by Baltic Development Forum and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, took place under the best possible conditions at Timmendorfer Strand, Germany. Baltic Development Forum has initiated Branding the Baltic Sea Region-process to fully unlock, develop and communicate the potential of the people, companies, organisations and institutions of the 11 countries comprising the Baltic Sea.
Conclusions from the Meeting
Read/download the summary of the seminar.
From best practice to a Baltic Sea Brand
A number of committed stakeholders from the Tourism, Investment Promotion Agencies, Baltic Metropolis Network, universities, cultural institutions and representatives from around 20 organisations met to discuss how to proceed with the Branding process of the Baltic Sea Region.
The aim of the seminar was to present and getting an overview on existing initiatives, further to extract and reuse the good practices and lessons learned and to explore and decide on their applicability to the overall brand.

A general process was decided which jointly will drive the process forward, ensuring a coordination and alignment of all current branding initiatives, building on strong support and clear ownership from respective stakeholders. A sector specific approach to branding is still to be pursued and in that regard common appearances at fairs, book-fairs, tourism, culture and business (ICT and Life Sciences) was suggested as concrete examples of joint efforts.
It was decided to explore the possibility devising the strategy or building the overall brand using the Baltic Metropoles Network as a platform, maybe as part of an Interreg programme. It was also suggested that Council of the Baltic Sea States, which under the Latvian chairmanship starting 1 July, could push the process even further.
Different research on various topics, internal and external perception, and inclusion inthe Nation Brand index, concept papers (sales and promotional material) to educate stakeholders and include future ambassadors was clearly requested. Finally it was decided that a strong commitment from EU is needed and in that respect contact will be taken to appropriate politicians especially the Baltic Sea Region Intergroup in the European parliament.
Branding – Just Do It!
Read/download the article from the Baltic Rim Economies written by Uffe Ellemann-Jensen.