Almedalen, on the island of Gotland, is Sweden’s biggest political meeting place. BDF will participate in a session on the EU Baltic Sea Region Strategy, two years later.
Almedalen, on the island of Gotland in Sweden, is Sweden’s biggest political meeting place, taking place each year in the beginning of July. The week-long event has grown to include all Swedish parliamentary parties as well as hundreds of special interest organisations, businesses, unions, universities and EU institutions as well as PR consultants, lobbyists and the mass media. In recent years, the number of seminars have multiplied, now totaling over 1000 events. Baltic Development Forum will also be present during the Almedalen Week.During the Almedal, cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region will be taken up for discussion by several of BDFs members and partners, including the European Commission’s and the European Parliament’s representation in Sweden, who will organize a seminar on the overarching question: How far have we come implementing the EU strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, and what results can be seen?
Marcus Andersson will represent BDF in a panel entitled:
“The EU’s Baltic Sea Region Strategy – two years later”, discussing the state progress of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region since it was decided on in 2009.
The panelists are:
- Colin Wolfe, Head of Unit, DG Regio, Europeaa Commission
- Oscar Wåglund Söderström, State Secretary to the Swedish Minister for EU Affairs
- Karin Hallerby, Head of International Relations Department at the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (Tillväxtverket)
- Marcus Andersson, Head of Public Affairs, BDF
- Michal Czyz, former Polish Ambassador to Sweden
The discussion will be moderated by Pernilla Baralt, Head of Communication at the European Commission’s Representation in Sweden.
The seminar takes place at 13.00-14.00 on Tuesday the 5th of July.