Baltic Development Forum’s 2010 Summit Partner

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Baltic Development Forum’s 2010 Summit Partner, The Danish Industry Foundation. Partnership on Jobs and Growth in the Baltic Sea Region.
Baltic Development Forum is proud to announce its new Summit Partner, The Danish Industry Foundation. The main objective of the Foundation is to develop and support innovative, inspirational and economically sustainable projects and initiatives that strengthen the competitiveness of business and industry in Denmark.

Industriens Fond

BDF is looking forward to working together with The Danish Industry Foundation on the Summit 2010 in Vilnius, Lithuania. Together we endeavor to develop a proposal for a regional strategy on Jobs and Growth, complementing the European ambitions within the framework for the EU2020 process.

The European Council will meet this week to discuss Jobs and Growth in Europe. Baltic Development Forum and the Danish Industry Foundation are looking forward to actively contributing to this agenda and to present the business perspective. A proposal will be submitted to Heads of Government of the Region at the Baltic Sea States Summit 2 June in Vilnius.

For more information about The Danish Industry Foundation, please visit
