Baltic Development Forum together with Lappeentanta University of Technology, Riga Energy Agency and Tartu Regional Energy Agency kicked off discussions within the initiative Baltic Cleantech Testbeds, co-financed by the INTERREG Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020. Inspired by the Finnish partners, the project aims at developing a regional proposal based on three main objectives:
- Better incorporation of new digital solutions into the real estate market
- Identification of new business models opened by digitalization
- Development of new financing models based on verified future cost savings
The initiative is driven by the overarching intention to contribute to sustainable development in the Baltic Sea Region by accelerating the uptake of cleantech and IoT solutions, in the best cases as integrated solutions, allowing for an increase in energy saving in the housing sector. By enhancing the demand of cleantech companies, the project addresses the need in finding innovative technological solutions that can mitigate the risks that might be incurred by climate change. The idea fits well within the ongoing energy & climate dialogue initiative in the Baltic Sea Region, launched by Baltic Development Forum in 2015.
Baltic Cleantech Testbeds initiative will provide us with the state of play analysis and identification of possible testbeds in the Nordic and Baltic real estate markets, where future installations will be considered for testing new business and financing models. The long-term aim is to test how digital solutions and IoT can be integrated into cleantech portfolios by enabling new value creation for real estate throughout the Baltic Sea Region. With testbed installations we aim to establish a collaborative platform, where municipal organisations get an opportunity to develop a dialogue and business models with cleantech solution providers, financiers and potential end-users.
For more information, please contact Viktoria Nilsson, Head of Business Development,