
Baltic Development Forum organises a large number of events annually, ranging from large conferences to intimate round table discussions. The events serve to connect stakeholders in the Baltic Sea Region, to further knowledge on thematic issues, and to shape regional policy and collaboration. Browse news from past and upcoming events below.
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18th Baltic Development Forum Summit: State of the Region Report Launches

in BDF Events, News, Publications

During the 18th Baltic Development Forum Summit and the 7th Strategy Forum for the EUSBSR, BDF launched three new “State of the Region Reports” providing an economic and political outlook for the region and analyzing the perspectives for regional cooperation. The 18th BDF Summit explored the potential for growth, innovation and competitiveness in the current changing political and economic environment,…

18th BDF Summit in Stockholm

in BDF Events, News

The 18th Baltic Development Forum Summit was held in Stockholm on 8 November 2016, in conjunction with the 7th Strategy Forum of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Taking stock of the current state of the Baltic Sea Region, the 18th BDF Summit explored how we can find common ground in a changing environment, looking closer at the…

Cross-Border Digital Opportunities for SMEs

in BDF Events, News

On 22nd September, Baltic Development Forum and Region Zealand organised a digitization seminar in Hamburg as part of the Fehmarnbelt Days 2016, a series of events focusing on the cross border collaboration opportunities in the upcoming Fehmarnbelt Region which extends through North Germany – Denmark – South Sweden. The main part of the seminar, “Cross-border digital opportunities in the Fehmarnbelt…

Timely Need to Intensify Scientific and Industrial Collaboration

in BDF Events, Debate, News, Projects

On 22nd September, Baltic Development Forum and Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY) organised a panel discussion “Northern European Excellence and Innovation Cluster” in Hamburg. The debate was initiated and hosted by the project BalticTRAM (Transnational Research Access in the Macroregion) and arranged in conjunction with the Fehmarnbelt Days 2016, a regional platform for the stakeholders from the emerging Fehmarnbelt Region and…

BDF Organises Two Sessions at the Fehmarnbelt Days 2016

in BDF Events, News

Fehmarnbelt Days 2016 is a series of conferences, seminars and events in Hamburg 20-22 September, focusing on the cross border collaboration opportunities in the upcoming Fehmarnbelt Region which extends through North Germany – Denmark – South Sweden. More information and registration: BDF will organise two seminars on 22 September: Northern European Excellence and Innovation Cluster (Baltic TRAM) 9.00-10.30 Investments…

Round Table Explored Regional Cooperation and Russia Relations

in BDF Events, News

On June 20th, BDF hosted a roundtable on regional cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region with Andrey Kortunov, Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council, as guest speaker. The roundtable was organized with support from the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the Nordic Council of Ministers. In the discussions, Andrey Kortunov emphasized that the situation between East and West could…

25 year Anniversary Celebrations: The Restoration of Independence of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – Copenhagen 29 August

in BDF Events, News

In August 1991 Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania regained independence and international recognition. A few months before, the Nordic Council of Ministers opened offices in the three Baltic States to develop ties between the Nordic and Baltic countries. Since then, the three Baltic States have witnessed an impressive economic and political development – development that is not least due to strong…

Workshop on Transnational Digital Collaboration

in BDF Events, News

BDF together with Estonia’s Ministry of Economic Affairs organised a workshop on transnational digital collaboration as part of a conference on Smart Specialisation Strategies in Sandviken, Sweden, 27th May 2016. The conference was organised by CPMR Baltic Sea Commission, PA Innovation of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and Region Gävleborg. Smart Specialisation Strategies are tools for regional…

The Swedish Way to a Digital Single Market – Round Table in Stockholm 3 May

in BDF Events, News

On 3rd May, BDF and “Top of Digital Europe” organised the seminar “The Swedish way to a Digital Single Market in the Baltic Sea Region” in Stockholm. The event was co-organised and hosted by Stockholm Business Region, and gathered national policy makers, ICT industry, academia and experts to discuss the digital strengths and challenges of the Baltic Sea Region with…